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Aline Baca has a Master of Arts in Education School Psychology from Alliant International University. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from California State University, Channel Islands with highest honors (Summa Cum Laude). 


Aline is licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences as a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP Lic. #3759). In addition, she has a current Pupil Personnel Services credential as a School Psychologist and an Adminstrative Services Credential.



Aline is a bilingual Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) and a Credentialed School Psychologist. She has worked in the public school system for over 20 years helping families and children with and without learning disabilities. As a school psychologist, Aline has worked directly with educators, parents and service providers to help identify students' needs and to ensure students receive appropriate services and interventions. 

Aline has extensive experience conducting psychoeducational assessments with students in preschool through high school, and transition age students up to age 22.  She has worked and continues to work with individuals who have a specific learning disability, language disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment, physical handicaps, other health impairments, deaf, hard of hearing, and with individuals who have experienced social/emotional and behavioral difficulties. 

As a bilingual Licensed Educational Psychologist, Aline can perform comprehensive bilingual assessments for English language learners. This helps to ensure that students' learning difficulties are not a direct result of acquiring a second language, but are in fact, attributed to a true learning disability,  Aline's attention to detail and thorough assessment results, along with practical recommendations, will empower families with the information needed to help children maximize on their strengths and compensate for any identified areas of weakness.